Hey, I have been following Disruptive Horizons now for a while, and it's been a fantastic surprise to find out that we have something in common: Estonian companies :)

I've been e-Resident for a while, and now I'm even helping other entrepreneurs set up shop there.

I'm always eager to read your analyses; I definitely see the world going in the direction you are describing. We citizens need to be aware of it an of the possibilities we have to resist. Anything else is useless without freedom.

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Thanks Federico. Yes I love the e-residency program ;)

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You are great in your analyses and the exposure of the Nations and the NWO. When the Nations cheat and lie to us we have a right to do the same, without them knowing it.

Because of the lies with the Covid I got happily stuck in Africa, I didn't want their vaccins so i researched a university the had researched the infected covid patients to be better off than the vaccinated, with clear figgures of being IMMUNICED 100%. I made myself a certificate of Immunity with my name and passport number. Now I could pass freely in Banks, government offices and in Theory also take a flight to France. Cheerio, Joh.

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