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Sorry Olivier, but I can't share your enthusiasm about all this.

I don't trust Elon. A man whose son hates him so much that he changes gender and name so as to have nothing to do anymore with him doesn't look good to me.

In any case, no man can single-handedly guarantee freedom of speech. I would rather expect that of democratic countries. I know it's not perfect, but it's our best hope imho.

Increasing dependence on new technologies without considering the consequences is a bad choice in my opinion. We should pay more attention to electromagnetic pollution.

See this for example (from https://cellphonetaskforce.org/electrosmog-policy-brief/):

The functioning of all living organisms is regulated by their electromagnetic environment, including the magnetic field of the earth, the vertical electric field between earth and ionosphere, the global electric circuit, the Schumann resonances, etc. If the electromagnetic environment of the earth is altered, life on earth will not long survive.

Both the number of satellites in orbit and the radiation they emit are completely out of control. Some satellites already have an effective radiated power of 83 million watts. Some are capable of emitting 5,000 individual beams. More than 8,000 satellites are already in orbit, and thousands more are being sent into space by near-daily rocket launches. Not only are they exposing every square meter of land and oceans to their radiation, but they are polluting the global electric circuit, which includes our bodies, with all of their pulsations and modulation patterns.

This is degrading all of life and causing pandemics, extinctions, and forest die-off, which cannot be successfully addressed without halting the radiation in and from space

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