Dear readers, the most observant among you will have noticed that I have not published an article in the last two weeks.
The main reason is that I am working on the final stretch of the book I have been telling you about from the start, and of which I have been publishing extracts on this blog for the last 19 months: the manuscript is finished, the title and subtitle are now set in stone, and a famous French entrepreneur has written the preface.
And most importantly: the competition for the cover is officially launched on 99designs.
I had to choose the 8 finalists from 202 proposals (!) and now my French-speaking audience is voting to choose the 2 finalist covers, which will be decided by a final vote.
If you want to participate:
The title is “Tout le monde n'aura pas la chance de quitter son pays” and the subtitle “Plus libre, plus heureux et moins taxé : Comment s'évader intelligemment”, which can be translated into English as ‘Not everyone will have the chance to leave their country - Freer, happier and less taxed: How to escape intelligently’ (if the experience of my 1st book is any guide, the title resonates more in French than in English, so the English version of the book will probably have a title that is not a literal translation)
Click here to vote for your favorite cover(s). If you want to leave comments you can do it in English
Thank you if you do so!
The French version of the book should be published in April. I don't have a date for the English version yet, but I'll keep you posted!
I like the way you write.... but the title is really bad and the covers all look AI generated and too generic. Here are some nuggets you can use
Title: why not leverage your growing brand "Disruptive Horizons" and flip it to an imperative "Disrupt Your Horizons: bla bla bla bla" . the title needs to either be the coinage of a term (i.e. the "sovereign individual") or very unique. There are very few titles that manage to become iconic with bland titles.
cover: none of them look like anything. It's like a midjourney slop of digital nomad icons.
look at these examples:
one or two symbols that deeply relate to the content. In your case, a FLAG could be something that brings suspese to the new reader and resonance with your existing readers.
your previous book had a good cover because it was dense in meaning and had no noise. "Winning outside the board".
just a thought.
The title is the hardest part of the book
Feel free to reach out if you want to go poke the brain a bit deeper
Your challenge is to convey global freedom without seeming like Lonely Planet / guide du routard. I think the ones that achieve that best are 1 (retina99) and 4 (dalim)